Friday, October 12, 2007

Great Skins, Happy Customers.. Cheers!

Here are some pictures of our customers from UCSI. Thanks to all lecturers, staffs and students support. Nice skins and obviously, they are happy. A few pics to show off cause they really want to show them off!
Some of those skins are personalised skins and only they have them. So why wait?
Get your Craftworks Laptop Skin NOW!


Our own design (Designed by YW) - Gardamned


Engineering Lecturer, no wonder his design looks like some complicating objects - 3d-087


Enthusiastic about his online game - Own customised skin

Photobucket Looks good? - 3d-005

PhotobucketMooo mooo, you see this everywhere if you see CW - toon-017

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