Saturday, October 13, 2007


Heya pals, I'm sure you guys would like to know more about how we did and how well we did at UCSI.

First day of the event, was sort of weird for the 3 blur Cw crews. All of them were equipped with their wonder blades, perfectly clean cutting boards, advert boards and some additional tools. It started off pretty fine as students were wondering, who are these dudes? Well some who knew will be like, "they are here, do we get extradiscounts?". Yes indeed we gave discount and this time it was for the School of Engineering as we were asked to be part of their fund raising event.

We did our regular job during the event, answering to queries and the response was great. Although most of our customers were not from the engineering society, but all went home with a big smile. Well i still remember, there were this 2 friends from A levels, checking and checking and keep checking out the designs non stop for like, ermm let me see.. 45 minutes? And finally this guy gave up, and asked for opinion on what's nice and well, we got him a perfect design jus perfect for his laptop and his personality. (we are always working the way you want!)

And yes? The SOEA raised lots of money for this event and indeed we will be going to other colleges soon too. Next venue will be announced soon. Contact us for more details regarding events that you would like us to sponsor you/ societies or events as we are more than happy to help.

Cheers to all guys and gals! Till here and will be back soon.
Craftworks Team


Made by the SOEA for us


Explanation by Sales member


Two interested customers..


Laptops of our customers - Bimmersclub (customised)


Installation service by JK

Friday, October 12, 2007

Great Skins, Happy Customers.. Cheers!

Here are some pictures of our customers from UCSI. Thanks to all lecturers, staffs and students support. Nice skins and obviously, they are happy. A few pics to show off cause they really want to show them off!
Some of those skins are personalised skins and only they have them. So why wait?
Get your Craftworks Laptop Skin NOW!


Our own design (Designed by YW) - Gardamned


Engineering Lecturer, no wonder his design looks like some complicating objects - 3d-087


Enthusiastic about his online game - Own customised skin

Photobucket Looks good? - 3d-005

PhotobucketMooo mooo, you see this everywhere if you see CW - toon-017

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Skin it YOUR way Now!

We at CraftWorks knows that most of you out there like your own artworks, brands and images.

You see laptops almost everyday, everywhere. Some might want it to show others how enthusiastic they are into some organisations/ societies; Some might want to use it as a mobile billboard and to increase brand recognition; some might want to show their loved ones how much they love em. So why wait?

This is your chance to show em off rather than being that same old boring squarish object.. Damn!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

UCSI - University College Sedaya International - Here we Come!~

Heya Pals,
We are more than happy to announce that the Craftworks Crews will be coming to UCSI for a fund raising event. This fund raising event is specially set up for the ESA (Engineering Student Association). All laptop skins price will be sold at a cheaper price, cheap installation fee and, you get to donate to the engineering faculty. Ain't this great?

So pals who always hang out around UCSI, do come and check out our lovely booth. Details as below.


Date: 8-10th October 2007
Time: 11am-6pm
Venue: Lobby A, UCSI